Oh Boy! Writer's Block! EVERYTHING BLOCK!

Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

So, I got writer's block ...Actually, I got everything block! (Quick post)

So, it's been a while since I've updated this blog. I have so many creative ideas, fun things to research, and well, with everything going on its just really tough to keep it up. I love to write and do creative things but with the pandemic, kids being home, and world affairs it really causes not just a block on my writing but also a block on life! I have EVERYTHING block and I HATE IT! 

So, what causes writer's block and how do I get over it?

What is writer's block?

Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash
Writer's block in short is when an author or artist has a slow down, bottleneck and/or a screeching halt in being able to produce new work or just really not motivated to produce anything. Just like the image at the top of this post indicates, despite having endless outlets and tools it can be SUPER frustrating. It can also be difficult to get over or get back into the swing of things. This condition can happen with any avenue from creative writing, homework, programming, and even art like photography and painting.

Most of the time it isn't your fault!

People who don't understand this condition of those suffering from it are often quick to accuse them of 
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash
procrastinating or being lazy which absolutely is not the case! However, just like any other ailment, there could be underlying conditions. Some of the following are the most common conditions that can cause the block and can be pretty serious:
  • Physical, mental, or emotional illness
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Running out of creative material
  • Just being too busy with life. Like family, school, or a day job
  • "Spreading yourself out too thin". Just being too involved in too many activities
Really, the list goes on and on and with what's going on in the world right now, time and positive creativity can be difficult to find and utilize toward your passion. 

How do I fix it?

Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash
Getting your feet back in that creative water can be as simple as a cannonball or a as difficult as a toe tip in that cold pool. Luckily there are a few simple solutions to try to get you back on track and out of that slump.
  • Find a motivator. "I'm doing this for myself", "I'm doing this for my kids", "I NEED to be productive today" are some good ones. Overall try to push yourself to find something that may potentially drive you.
  • Let's Get Physical! That's right! Get those endorphins going! Go for a walk, run, do some jumping jacks, anything! 
  • Get a change of scenery. Maybe some fresh air by the beach, lake, or mountains.
  • Breathe! Take a deep breath. Something I learned from several forums and blogs that has worked really well for me is to breathe in for four seconds, hold it for seven seconds, and breathe out your mouth for eight seconds. It not only feels great but works too!
  • Do something else. Play a game or with toys, close your eyes and listen to some music, or watch a movie. Do something fun to get your mind off of what you are working on and what could be blocking you. Unwind!
  • Try something new. If you ran out of material or you just don't want to write about the same old thing, trying something new may get you up and running again.
  • You can do what I did and just take a long break. Some of us don't have that luxury as our art is less of a hobby and is an actual job but, if your block is for a hobby, take a break.

In the end

I'm confident you'll get your groove back. In the end we can't stop being creative forever. It's all a temporary slump! 


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