Safe, affordable, Christmas-ing!

Photo by Tessa Rampersad on Unsplash

Safe, affordable, Christmas-ing!

Amongst the rest of the holidays this year, everything is different, very different. We are surviving and making things work! Christmas, without a doubt, is not an exception and it is very important to stay safe. Thankfully some communities and companies have put together some wonderful drive through Christmas experiences but, here at Ridiculously Ben, I like to keep my eye out for affordability and ease. Here are some suggestions to have a very merry Christmas and safe Christmas experience in the Los Angeles area.

Where can I see some lights?

I've been seeing a lot of drive through Christmas venues out there, which are nice, but not too affordable. Starting from $50 to well, the sky's the limit. With some folks out of work or on a budget from Christmas shopping, this isn't ideal or affordable. Not to worry though, I have your back! Here are my top three suggestions for FREE drive through Christmas experiences!

Some Friendly advice when visiting: It's 2020; I would advise to stay in your car and park or just drive through.  Please wear a mask and be respectful, if you choose to step out of your car.

Christmas Tree Lane on St. Albans Road in San Marino, CA

Photo by Brian Suh on Unsplash
This has got to be one of the easier spots to visit. If you want a quick view of some beautifully decorated Christmas trees that span up a little over a block, then this is your spot. There is usually plenty of room to pull over and take pictures. 

When to visit: Usually they start decorating early December to mid-December up to January. Although, I've been there at the beginning of December and they look fully set up.

Where and how much? The beginning of your Christmas light adventure begins at 1365 St Albans Rd, San Marino, CA 91108. You can start at this address or what I prefer is to drive up to this address. You can do this by taking Huntington Drive (good ol' route 66) from the east or west and turning north on St. Albans Road. The drive through is 100% FREE!

Christmas Tree Lane, Altadena CA

Going down this street you will feel like you are on your way to Dr. Seuss's Whoville! This street in Altadena has been a veteran at the Christmas decoration game for over 90 years so you know it'll be good! The street is about a six block stretch of decorated houses but, primarily tall decorated trees from head to toe. In previous years, there have been street vendors and some entertainment, however due to the pandemic, this may not be the case this year. I did however visit recently and there was a trapeze-style artist on one of the corners.

When to visit: Usually the best time to visit is the middle of December or December 9th-ish at the very earliest. It should last a little bit into the beginning of January.

Where and how much? The cross-roads are Santa Rosa Ave and E. Mariposa Street. This would be going up north on Santa Rosa Ave and ends when the street turns into a "T". Here's a link: Google Maps. How much is it? You guessed it, free! 

Hasting Ranch, Pasadena CA

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

All I have to say is ...welcome to Whoville and hopefully you won't run into a Grinch. I saved the best for last. If you've visited Christmas Tree Lane in Altadena then you are close by to Hasting Ranch and are in for an absolute treat. Hastings Ranch has been at it for a very long time and it shows. Almost every house across several blocks on several streets are literally dressed with bells on. You may even need some sunglasses driving through here at night 😉😎. Almost every house here has the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation house to heart!

When to visit: I would suggest visiting in mid-December. As of recent, I've seen signs stating the adventure would be ready starting on December 12th. 

Where and how much: As Yelp suggests, start at 3725 E Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107  but really most streets in that area will be obvious. 100% free to visit. Like Christmas Tree Lane, Altadena, there could be some vendors but maybe not for 2020.

The search for Santa!

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Although Dr. Fauci has declared that Santa Claus, as reported by USA Today, is immune to and unable to spread COVID-19, his representative mall Santas can. To keep you, your family, Santa's elves, and mall visitors safe, here are a few ideas to look into.
  • Some people really want a picture with Santa. There are a few companies out there that will create a Santa picture with you submitting your own image. Although it may be something to consider, it can be pricy.
  • Learn Adobe Photoshop yourself to add Santa to an image. It may be more work, but if you have the skills and you have the expensive software already, give it a try!
  • Can't afford Adobe Photoshop? Don't want to pay monthly to learn the software? No problem. Here are a few free open source solutions that work, just as well, to learn to add Santa to an image! I would recommend GIMP or Phtopea as a good starting point.
  • Arrange for a family member or friend to give your little ones a call from "Santa" 😉.  
  • Arrange for a family member or friend to dress up and Zoom call or Facebook chat your children. Pretty convincing costumes can be found at Party City or on and still arrive in time for Christmas!


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